If you would like to send well wishes and your support to Mark, his temporary address is:
Mark Zalesky
Lake City VA Medical Center
619 South Marion Ave.
Patriot Place CLC
Room 451
Lake City, FL 32025
Mark is currently doing rehabilitation due to a motorcycle/car accident. According to his mother, Ardy, they aren't sure how long his recooperation will be. So....let's make his time go by just a little bit quicker by helping him keep his spirits up!
Mark Zalesky
Lake City VA Medical Center
619 South Marion Ave.
Patriot Place CLC
Room 451
Lake City, FL 32025
Mark is currently doing rehabilitation due to a motorcycle/car accident. According to his mother, Ardy, they aren't sure how long his recooperation will be. So....let's make his time go by just a little bit quicker by helping him keep his spirits up!